Saviours of the North

In the north of Italy, nestled between the Lago Maggiore and the Lago di Como, lies the airfield of Venegono. Besides being the location where Leonardo Aircraft constructs their training aircraft, this place is also the base for the Sezione Aerea Varese of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian fiscal police). This small unit, which is equipped with three helicopters, falls operationally under the Reparto Operativo Aeronavale Como.

The Guardia di Finanza is an Italian law enforcement agency charged with enforcing financial laws and regulations, as well as combating tax evasion, financial fraud, smuggling and other financial crimes. The name can be translated as “Financial Guard” or “Financial Guard” in Dutch.

It is a military police service, but it falls under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Italy. It has its own hierarchy and is divided into several units, including units for tax inspection, border control, financial investigations and special units for combating organized crime.

The Guardia di Finanza has national jurisdiction over financial crimes and operations, but also cooperates internationally with other law enforcement agencies, particularly in the areas of cross-border financial crimes and tax evasion.

Members of the Guardia di Finanza undergo rigorous training and must possess both military and law enforcement skills. They are recruited from citizens who meet specific requirements and must go through a strict selection process.

The Guardia di Finanza is charged with a wide range of tasks, including the supervision of taxes, customs, financial crimes, money laundering, illegal trade and protecting economic interests of the Italian state. Other main tasks include aerial surveillance to detect illegal dumping and water extraction or pollution. The GdF’s air and naval assets are fundamental to carrying out these tasks and its daily presence in the air and at sea makes its search and rescue (SAR) activities important. The GdF is also deployed to provide support in national emergencies – for example during the Covid-19 pandemic, when GdF aircraft and helicopters transported medicines, medical staff and patients in isolation units.

Volpe501 over the port of Bellagio at the Lago di Como

The Guardia di Finanza, as a police and armed force, is an integral part of the “National System of Civil Protection”, the corps must deploy trained personnel and air-sea equipment to face crisis situations within a complex system that requires the interaction of many institutional actors and it can respond quickly and effectively even in unpredictable situations subordinate to the primary institutional tasks.

Every year, thousands of people are rescued in very dangerous situations by officers involved in situations such as the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa, weather emergencies and hydrological problems in several areas of the country and seismic events in the province of Catania. They are engaged in the search for missing persons, the rescue of people in difficulties, the fight against looting, the viability of damaged areas, the flight missions for qualified personnel and the transport of civilians and the reconnaissance missions using air-sea equipment and personnel of the “Anti-Terrorism and Rapid Response Service” and “Alpine Rescue of Customs Officers”.

The Guardia di Finanza also ensures support for public security in the mountain areas, through the Alpine Rescue Department, which is divided into many stations, spread throughout the country, dedicated to search and rescue operations and the protection of human lives.

The personnel working in this area are trained with support dog units at the Alpine School in Predazzo (Trent), using advanced techniques that provide the opportunity to work on snow, ice, cliffs and in case of emergency.

Alpine Rescue Units can achieve a certain level of broad and rapid operational projection. Their functions have been further expanded by important initiatives in training, order, organization and technical-logistical areas, allowing Alpine Rescue to use technological equipment in certain emergency situations and in the performance of police tasks.

Operationally, the Guardia di Finanza is organized as follows:

Territorial commands

• Six interregional commands

• Regional commands, one for each of the 20 Italian regions.

• Provincial commands, one for each Italian province.

Territorial units

• 74 Groups (including five Counter-Terrorism Rapid Reaction Groups)

• 104 Financial Police Units

• 198 companies

• 202 Lieutenant Units (Stations)

• 48 Brigades

• 26 mountain rescue stations

Aviation and naval units

• 15 Aeronaval operational units

o 16 Naval stations

o 41 Operational Marine Sections

o 13 Aviation Sections

Special departments

• Organized Crime Investigation Group (GICO):

• Counter-Drug Operations Group (GOA):

• Gruppo Anticrimine Tecnologico (GAT):

• Group for the protection of archaeological heritage: group for the recovery of stolen art

• Anti-terrorism Ready Deployment (ATPI): anti-terrorism and rapid response service

• Police dog department (K9).

The AB.412 is gradually phased out with the Guardi di Finanza with the arrival of the new AW.169s

The Guardia di Finanza aviation service has the following aircraft and helicopters:


• ATR.42-400MP

• P-72B (ATR.72MP)

• P.180 Avanti


• A.109

• AB.412

• AW.139

• AW.169

• NH.500

An AW.169 returns to base at Venegono after a mission

The Reparto Operative Aeronavale – Como

The ROANs (Reparti Operativi Aeronavali) of the Guardia di Finanza were created on January 1, 2000. They are the fundamental link in the command and control chain of the regional air force. Stationed in Genoa, Livorno, Civitavecchia, Cagliari, Naples, Vibo Valentina, Palermo, Bari, Termoli, Pescara, Ancona, Rimini, Venice, Trieste and Como, they carry out, with the help of air and naval assets, a constant and capillary control on the territory, inland waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent area.

The main role of the ROANs is to coordinate all operational and logistical activities of the departments under their command and to provide personnel management. At organizational level they are equal to the Provincial Commands.

The ROAN in Como reports directly to the Lombardy regional command of the Guardi di Finanza in Milan.

The departments covered by the ROAN in Como are the Sezione Area Varese based in Venegono Superiore and the Naval Station of Lake Como with the dependent maritime operational departments of Lake Maggiore (Cannobio), Lake Garda (Salò) and Lake Lugano (Casamoro – Porto Ceresio).

Sezione Aerea Guardia di Finanza Varese

Sine metu omnia aude – dare everything without fear

In 1958, after the introduction into service of a new helicopter, the Agusta-Bell AB.47J, a natural replacement for the less powerful AB.47G and with a cabin that allowed the carriage of any passengers, the first ‘Mountain’ Helicopter Section was established set up.

The first operations of the newly created section were carried out from the Como seaplane base, while within a few months the transfer took place to the heliport built in Intimiano (Como). In 1972 the Sezione Aerea Intimiano was transferred to the airport of Calcinate del Pesce in the province of Varese and thus became the Sezione Aerea Varese.

The airport of Calcinate del Pesce on the banks of the Lago di Varese

In January 1975 the AB.47Js were replaced by the new Breda-Nardi NH.500M, while in 1982 the Sezione Aerea was closed.

A few years later, July 14, 1988, it was reactivated as the Sezione Aerea Como. The new location is at Venegono Inferiore Airport (Varese), in one of the historic Aermacchi warehouses. Another important transition took place on February 3, 1997, when it returned to the name Sezione Aerea Venegono.

In 2002, the department moved to the new building north of the airport site, in the Venegono Superiore area, becoming completely independent of the airfield managed by Aermacchi and the local Aero Club. On August 1, 2012, the unit was then renamed Sezione Aerea Varese.

The airport of Varese Venegono with the large Leonardo facilities and the Guardi di Finanza facilities

The current unit in Venegono is led by a Pilot Officer, who has a staff of 39 soldiers in total, divided into an Operations Unit (pilots and air rescue operators), which is also led by an officer, an Efficiency Unit (specialists with the tasks of maintenance technicians and, during flight operations, rescue winch operators) and finally a Command Team (soldiers responsible for the offices, supervision and control of the barracks).

The current helicopter equipment of the Sezione Aerea consists of two AB.412HP type B aircraft (mountain version) and one UH.169A. What is remarkable is that the first UH.169 of the Guardi di Finanza was delivered to the Sezione Aerea Varese and not as usual to the Centro di Aviazione on Pratica di Mare. This was probably because the UH.169 (AW.169) is built at Leonardo on Vergiate, which is practically next to Venegono.

The fleet of the Sezione Aerea Varese in 2021

The main tasks of the Sezione Aerea Varese are certainly aerial reconnaissance, transport and participation in search and rescue operations.

The task of aerial reconnaissance includes many of the corps’ main tasks: state police, environmental protection, economic land control (CeTe) and border control.

Participation in search and rescue operations is the historical role of the so-called “mountain” air section. Supporting the SAGF (Soccorso Alpino Guardia di Finanza – Alpine Rescue Guardia di Finanza) and the CNSAS (Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico – National Alpine Rescue and Speleological Corps) is the core business of the flying Fiamme Gialle (Fiamme Gialle – yellow flames, is the nickname of the Guardia di Finanza) in the Alps.

The mountains around the Lago di Como form one of the areas where the SA di Varese’s helicopters can be found frequently

These functions are performed in a service district covering Lombardy, Piedmont (excluding the provinces of Asti and Alessandria) and la Valle d’Aosta. The total area of the area to be protected is 52,404 km² and the boundary line to be protected is 1,237 km, of which 780 km is outside the European Union (Switzerland). This includes the large lakes such as Lake Maggiore and Lake Como.

The task that the Sezione Aera Varese is most concerned with is contributing to mountain rescue operations. This important role, which the unit fulfills for the benefit of the community, is carried out by utilizing the synergy between the helicopter pilot, the winch operator and the rescue teams who use the helicopter to quickly get to inaccessible environments. Synergies that can only be achieved through continuous training, in particular for the safe use of the helicopter during the entry and exit of rescuers, or any dog teams, but especially for the use of the winch, a fundamental tool that allows rescuers allows you to get in and out in places where the helicopter cannot land. The Sezione Aerea Varese regularly provides this training activity for all SAGF stations in its territory and the CNSAS also participates in some of these exercises through specific protocols.

This continuous training activity leads to concrete results in frequent real-life operations. In the 20 years that the department has worked under the auspices of the ROAN, it has logged 10,155 flying hours. On average, five people were rescued per year and during dramatic events such as in 2008 in Valtellina and in 2018 in Val Ferret, more than 200 people were evacuated due to natural disasters, including many elderly people and children, but also nine young scouts who got lost on the mountain Boletto (Como) in January 2006.

During the frequent aerial reconnaissance for environmental protection, a significant number of waste dumps have been discovered in the area by the crews of the Sezione Aerea. Since 2004, an average of ten landfills have been discovered per year.

The constant economic control of the territory (CeTe), the primary task of the corps, has led the Guardia di Finanza forces to carry out hundreds of checks on aircraft flying as General Aviation to the airports in the district. Aerial reconnaissance is further intensified during the summer period when the Flight Branch conducts multiple missions to identify illicit cannabis plantations and, once identified, coordinate with ground patrols for subsequent forensic police activity.

The Nucleo Efficienza, with its own specialized personnel, guarantees the execution of various helicopter checks on the line during the pre- and post-flight phases, offering the pilots the necessary support during take-off and landing, which is fundamental when these are carried out in inhospitable areas, and is also present on board as a winch operator and technician.

Specialists carry out all planned maintenance activities in the hangar. The most frequent is the one defined as 1st technical level and consists mainly of visual inspections carried out every 25 flight hours.

In addition, the Nucleo Efficienza, as planned maintenance activities, carries out the more complex 2nd level technical inspections. These inspections are performed every 100 flight hours and multiples thereof and cover most mechanical, electrical, structural and avionic components on board.

The larger, 3rd level maintenance is not carried out at the own unit, but takes place at the Centro di Aviazione of the Guardia di Finanza on Pratica di Mare. This inspection takes place after 1200 flight hours.

The Guardia di Finanza is gradually taking the AB.412 out of service and switching to the AW.169. In addition to the UH-169A, which flies in Venegono, among other places, the Guardia di Finanza has also purchased the MH-169A.

The Guardia di Finanza flies two configurations of helicopters: the UH-169A (the utility version with an entry-level configuration) and the MH-169A FOC (military version with a full operational configuration). The UH-169A comes with wheeled landing gear and the MH-169A FOC is equipped with skid landing gear, more power and the latest generation of avionics called ATOS-RW/MMS with a mission console for day and night management night vision infrared cameras (FLIR) and search radar.

In Varese they are very proud of the UH-169 that was delivered in October 2020 and I received a detailed explanation about it.

The AgustaWestland AW169 is a twin-engine helicopter with 10 seats and a weight of 4.8 tons, developed and produced by the helicopter division of Leonardo (formerly AgustaWestland, merged into Finmeccanica since 2016). It is designed to share similarities with the larger AgustaWestland AW139 and AgustaWestland AW189.

On July 19, 2010 AgustaWestland formally announced at the Farnborough International Air Show that the AW169 was under development. According to AgustaWestland, the 4.5-ton AW169 is a light, medium, twin-engine rotorcraft intended for various utility operations; to reduce expected operating costs, it was decided early on that the AW169 would be very similar in both components and cockpit configuration to the larger AgustaWestland AW139.

On May 10, 2012, the first prototype of the type performed its maiden flight. The test program included a total of four prototypes; the second and third AW169s joined the test program later in 2012 and the fourth in 2013. AgustaWestland had initially expected the AW169 to receive flight certification in 2014, and had planned for the AW169 to enter production in 2015. On July 15, 2015, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued certification for the AW169.

The AW169 is a medium-sized twin-engine helicopter; at its launch it was the first completely new helicopter in its weight category in more than 30 years. Weighing approximately 4,500 kg and with a capacity of 7-10 passengers, it sits between the 3,175 kg 8-seat AW109GrandNew and the much larger 6,400 kg 15-seat AW139. The AW169 is powered by a pair of Pratt & Whitney Canada PW210A FADEC turboshaft engines, which drive the main rotor at variable speeds to reduce external noise and increase efficiency. Newly developed dampers were installed between the main rotor blades to reduce vibration levels for a smooth passenger experience. It is the first production helicopter in its category with electronically operated landing gear. AgustaWestland has reported having several customers for the AW169, including the air ambulance, law enforcement, executive/corporate, offshore transportation and utility sectors.

The AW169 is equipped with several avionics systems, including a Rockwell Collins glass cockpit with three displays equipped with touchscreen interfaces, digital charts, dual radar altimeters, automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast tracking, health and usage monitoring systems (HUMS) and night vision goggles (NVG) compatibility . Many elements of the cockpit and avionics are similar to those of the AgustaWestland AW139 and the AgustaWestland AW189, providing a high level of support. Through the use of a four-axis digital automatic flight control system and a dual flight management system with terrain and traffic avoidance systems, the rotorcraft can be certified to be flown by a single pilot under instrument flight rules (IFR).

There is no auxiliary power unit (APU) installed in the AW169; instead, the transmission features a clutch that allows the rotors to be stopped while the port engine continues to run to power the onboard avionics and electrical systems. At customer request, the AW169 can be equipped with a full anti-icing system; Alternatively, a limited anti-icing system can also be integrated. To meet different customer requirements and preferences, the AW169 can be configured with numerous optional equipment, such as auxiliary fuel tanks, rescue hoist, cargo hook, emergency flotation aids, remote cameras, rappelling equipment, wire cutters, mission consoles, external speakers and external searchlights.

General features

• Crew: 1 or 2

• Capacity: 8 to 12 passengers, plus 250 kg (551 lbs) of luggage and cargo; or 1 stretcher, plus 7 supervisors; or 2 stretchers, plus 5 supervisors

• Length: 14.645 m (48 ft 1 in)

• Width: 2.530 m (8 ft 4 in) Horizontal transverse plane 3.205 m

• Height: 4.50 m (15 ft 0 in)

• Gross weight: 2,850 kg (6,283 lb)

• Max. takeoff weight: 4,800 kg (10,582 lb)

• Engines: 2 × Pratt & Whitney PW210A turboshaft with FADEC (735 kW, 1,000 hp each)

• Main rotor diameter: 12.12 m (39 ft 9 in)


• Maximum speed: 306 km/h (190 mph, 165 kn)

• Never exceed speed: 306 km/h (190 mph, 165 kn) Power on with both engines running

• Range: 820 km (510 mi, 440 nmi)

• Endurance: 4h 20m

New Airbus H.135 design breaks cover

Earlier this summer, whilst visiting the Airbus facilities in Donauwörth, I noticed a new Airbus H.135 design in one of the hangars. This helicopter wore registration D-HEEY, but did not carry any visible construction number.

Several notable enhancements are evident in the new design. Firstly, the previously four-bladed main rotor has been replaced with a five-bladed main rotor, a feature previously observed on the H145-D3 and UH-72B. Users of the five-bladed H145-D3, namely DRF (Deutsche Luft Rettung) and ADAC, have reported positive experiences with this rotor type. It significantly reduces vibrations caused by the main rotor, improving the comfort of patients during transport.

Another notable change is the relocation of the stabilizer from the tail boom to a position atop the fenestron. This strategic move places the stabilizer beyond the influence of the downwash from the main rotor. Furthermore, the cockpit has been subtly streamlined, with larger windows in the sliding doors. The incorporation of expertise in composite materials, gained during the design of the H160, has led to a reduction in empty weight and an increase in payload capacity. These composite materials have been integrated into various parts of the fuselage, including the redesigned cargo doors and the new engine cowlings.

Hold the Line

Last September the Fallschirmjägerregiment 31 of the Bundeswehr held a week-long exercise on and near the small airfield of Karlshöfen, which is north of Bremen. During one of the days, a Super Lynx of Marinefliegergeschwader 5 joined the action in order to exercise sling operations with the Super Lynx.

The Germany Navy operates a fleet of 24 Super Lynx Mk.88a helicopters

Purpose of the exercise on that particular day was to practice sling load operations between the army’s ground team and the navy’s helicopter crew. In order to do so, a Super Lynx traveled the short distance from Nordholz Naval Air Station to Karlshöfen airport.

Ground crews wait as the Super Lynx approaches the pickup points

After arrival at Karlshöfen, a short briefing was held with all participants and the underslung cable was attached to the cargo hook of the Super Lynx. Meanwhile, three pallets with “cargo” were positioned next to the runway.

The ground crew stands prepared as the Super Lynx approaches them

When everything was prepared, the helicopter crew took off and flew towards the first pallet. Over there the helicopter descended to about 5 meters so that the static line reached the ground riggers. Before any further action could be taken, first the riggers had to pick the line with a hook. This hook was grounded into the earth in order to discharge static electricity from the helicopter. Once this was the case, the pallet was hooked onto the cable and the helicopter hoisted it into the air.

The cargo is hooked onto the helicopter’s sling

The helicopter then flew a circuit with the 400 kilo cargo attached. The cargo was then lowered onto the ground and after grounding the helicopter again, the soldiers could unhook the cargo from the sling. All this was done directly underneath the helicopter, with the strong downwash of the rotorblades blowing at you.

After a circuit around the airfield, the cargo is dropped off again

This exercise was repeated at all three pickuppoints for about an hour, after which it was time to take the sling cable abooard again and to proceed back to Nordholz.

The days of the Super Lynx are numbered with the German Navy, as their successor – the NH.90 – is starting to enter service.

Naturally this could only be done after the team from MFG 5 made a nice flyby at the airfield.

The video below gives an impression how close the helicopter came during the exercise

Policing Lombardia

Located in the former Caproni area (next to the Volandia museum) at Milan Malpensa Airport and named after VQA pilot Dr Alberto Addeo, the 2° Reparto Volo Polizia di Stato was the second in order of opening of the eleven Reparto Volos (initially equipped with Agusta Bell 47J helicopters) that have been deployed throughout Italy since 1971 when the Servizio Area della Polizia was created.

The Leonardo UH-139 is the latest addition to the fleet of the 2° Reparto Volo

The service was established on an “informal” level in 1956, when the Traffic Police Corps took over the coordination and planning of rescue operations during the wave of bad weather that hit central and southern Italy.

In 1959, the Milan Traffic Police experimented with the use of helicopters in coordination with ground patrols, an activity that, given the brilliant results, led the Corps Inspectorate to establish its own air service; on 9 October 1963, the Rome and Milan Traffic Police Departments established the first public safety helicopter divisions.

On 5 November 1963, the Milan Helicopter Department proposed to the General Directorate of Public Security that a white identification number be affixed to the roof of cars to facilitate identification from above; the proposal was accepted and subsequently taken as a model by the other police departments.

The establishment of the air service made it necessary to train specialised personnel at air force schools.

On 1 January 1971, a ministerial decree created the Air Service for Public Safety, to which was added the 1° Gruppo Volo at the Pratica di Mare military airfield.

On 20 July 1972 the Helicopter Section was inaugurated at Milan Malpensa, which was upgraded to a Gruppo Volo on 1 January 1973.

There are currently 11 Flight Departments in Italy with a staff of about 800, including pilots and specialists, 60 helicopters and 19 aircraft, which are hierarchically dependent on the 2nd Division of the Central Directorate of General Affairs of the State Police, Special Departments Service.

The P.68 is the workhorse of the 2° Reparto Volo. The four aircraft in the inventory are used for a wide variety of tasks.

Tasks and Activities

Aerial surveillance makes it possible to locate and bypass potential sources of danger, as aircraft and helicopters are equipped with cameras (even two) connected to a control room that can mix the signals and transmit them to the relevant police headquarters.

Of fundamental importance is the interaction with:

– Polizia di Frontiera against smuggling/illegal immigration/terrorism;

– Polizia Stradale/Ferroviaria/Postale/Scientifica to ensure security in the area of competence.

There are also collaborations with:

– Sharpshooters and dog handlers (both units are located in the immediate vicinity of the Flight Department);

– Crime Prevention Units;

– UOPI (Operational Ready Intervention Units), recently created to combat terrorism;

– Air Force and Civil Defence, in search and rescue operations;

– Centro Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (CNSAS) (National Centre for Alpine and Speleological Rescue), with which the police have an agreement.

Aircraft in use with the 2° Reparto Volo Polizia di Stato


The unit’s AB.212 undergoing maintenance

The AB.212 helicopter was produced by Agusta, under licence from Bell, with double turbine and rotor with two blades, in use by the Polizia di Stato since 1976, it can carry up to 15 people at a maximum speed of 240 Km/h, with a range of 2h and 40 minutes. Extremely versatile and able to fly at night, it has been used by the 2° Reparto Volo Polizia di Stato since 1997.

P.68 Obs II

The large glass cockpitwindow makes the P.68 isdeal for surveillance missions.

The P.68 aircraft built by Partenavia VulcanAir has great versatility and manoeuvrability. It is particularly suitable for the control of highways and can carry up to 4 persons at a maximum speed of 270 km/h with a range of 4 hours. It has been used by the 2° Reparto Volo since 1987. With the 2° RV, the P.68 is also widely used for organ transports.


The UH-139 on standby at the 2° Reparto Volo platform

The newest type at the 2° Reparto Volo is the Leonardo UH-139 (AW139). The AW139 of the Italian police, called UH-139, includes a HD FLIR of the latest generation, a satellite communication system, a searchlight, a rescue hoist, a cabin console for missions and a HD video downlink.


The staff of the 2° Reparto Volo Polizia di Stato consists of highly qualified men, divided into pilots and specialists.

In order to enter the air service, personnel who meet the psycho-physical requirements must undergo highly selective training and

– obtain a helicopter pilot’s licence at the 72° Stormo of the Italian Air Force in Frosinone;

– obtain the fixed-wing pilot’s licence at the 70° Stormo of the Italian Air Force in Latina.

Since 2013, courses have also been held at the PS Training and Flight Standardisation Centre (CASV), located in Pratica di Mare, where pilots transfer to AB-206s or P-68s and can therefore be deployed as soon as they arrive at their destination department; currently this is only possible after attending the CASV courses.

Specialists obtain their qualification at the school for non-commissioned officers of the air force in Caserta.

The 2° Reparto Volo Polizia di Stato employs 60 people, divided into three departments:

– OASV Flight Operations consists, apart from the commander, of seventeen pilots, of which ten are helicopter pilots and seven are aircraft pilots.

– The “Fixed Flight Crew” (specialists) consists of twenty-five people who are not only part of the aircraft crews, but are also in charge of aircraft maintenance.

– General Affairs, consists of twenty-six officials in charge of bureaucratic tasks and infrastructure supervision.

The UH-139 and P.68 together on the 2° Reparto Volo platform
It’s not always sunny in Italy, but usually things clear up easily at MIlan Malpensa airport

The “new” Pilatus PC-7 MKX

On Sunday 14 November 2021 the new Pilatus PC-7 MXK trainer aircraft was reveiled. This is in fact a renewed version of the PC-7 Mk II trainer. We already saw it prior to the unveiling. Read more about it below.

Pilatus PC-7 MKX
The PC-7 MKX at Buochs Airport, home of Pilatus Aircraft

In 1994, at the request of the South African Air Force, Pilatus devised a new variant of the popular trainers, the PC-7 MkII. The fuselage of a PC-9 was used and the wings (with suspension points) of the PC-7. The engine used was a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-25C delivering 700 hp (515 kW). This engine has been cut in power to reduce wear and tear and thus reduce maintenance costs. To have an idea, the PC-9 has a Pratt & Whitney engine of 1,149 hp (857 kW).

Pilatus PC-7 MKX
It is very clear that the PC-7 MKX is a mix of the PC-7 and PC-9

With a new glass cockpit, new avionics, improvements in the area of crew comfort and other technical innovations, the PC-7 MKX offers smart state-of-the-art training capability in the Basic Training segment at unrivalled cost, with outstanding robustness and unmatched reliability. The smart Basic Trainer is now available to take on a new generation of student pilots and turn them into first class military aviators.

Pilatis PC-7 MKX

A state-of-the-art cockpit with smart avionics is at the core of the brand-new PC-7 MKX. The cockpit is centred on a three-display philosophy utilising the next generation of high definition screens. It gives the student an easy entry into the world of modern avionics, while practising vital pilot skills using a proven airframe with benign and forgiving flying characteristics. The PC-7 MKX can be used to train the broadest possible range of aircrew, making it the ideal basic trainer for air forces around the world.

Pilatus PC-7 MKX

The PC-7 MKX’s smart avionics suite offers broad capability, allowing maximum flexibility for use in a wide variety of training missions. This ensures that the student can easily transition to these platforms when embarking on the next phase of training. The PC-7 MKX avionics capability is designed as a comprehensive baseline configuration with various add-on options such as synthetic vision system, traffic advisory system, autopilot, cockpit camera and mission debriefing system to meet specific training needs.

Pilatus PC-7 MKX

The cockpit features a large primary flight display and multi-function displays to give students the earliest possible exposure to the technology found in today’s front line assets. The primary flight display allows selection of various flight modes, whilst the left and right displays features a moving map for navigation, a Flight Management System and an Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System.

A comprehensive set of training products is also available to cover all aspects of ground based training. From the simplest type of training aid, virtual reality tools through to a full flight simulator, all training equipment is of the highest quality and designed to support integrated, progressive learning. This allows the air force to optimise training time and reduce training cost per pilot.

The design of the PC-7 MKX uses conventional semi-monocoque construction for the wing, fuselage and empennage. The primary structure is built of aluminium alloy sheet and extrusion. Combined with precision workmanship, these features provide a high degree of interchangeability as well as easy replacement of parts. The PC-7 MKX is an exceptional trainer built on a solid certification foundation, guaranteed to deliver a lifecycle of at least 30 years.

Sources: Pilatus Aircraft, Aironline

The Dragon’s Den

On the 16th of June 2021 an exotic bird landed at Twente Airport after a long flight; this day saw the arrival of a Cathay Dragon Airbus 320 that will be dismantled over here.

Dragonair Airbus 320 landing at Twente Airport
The final touchdown of B-HSI at Twente Airport

Around 15.30 local time Airbus A.320-200 B-HSI (bearing callsign BHSI) made her final landing at Twente Airport after a 6 and a half hours flight from Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai. Al Maktoum was one of the stops used for refuelling and crew rest, as the aircraft was not able to travel the distance from Hong Kong at once. Therefore stops were made in Bangkok and Dubai.

Dragonair Airbus 320 B-HSI
B-HSI on the runway of Twente Airport

This particular airframe with Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) 930 was built by Airbus in Toulouse 22.7 years ago and made her test flights with registration F-WWIE. After that she was delivered to Dragonair in 1999 and flew in a configuration with 8 business class seats and and 156 economy seats.

Dragonair Airbus 320 B-HSI
B-HSI is towed to the AELS platform, where other “victims” already await her.

In 2006, Dragonair was aquired by Cathay Pacific, its main (and only) competitor in Hong Kong. In 2016 it was announced that Dragonair would be renamed into Cathay Dragon, including a new livery that resembled that of Cathay Pacific. However, this particular airframe escaped that fate and still wore the Dragonair colours on her final flight.

Dragonair Airbus 320 B-HSI
B-HSI being towed onto the final parking position

Before repainting was possible, the world was struck by the COVID-19 pandemic and air travel collapsed. Because of this, B-HSI was withdrawn from use and as of August 2020 she was stored at Alice Springs in Australia, together with numerous other aircraft from various airlines.

Dragonair Airbus 320 B-HSI

After the decision was taken that B-HSI would be phased out, she was ferried to Twente Airport, where AELS will dismantle and reuse the various components of the airframe. The day after het arrival all markings referring to Dragonair were removed already.

AELS parking at Twente Airport
B-HSI at the AELS facility on Twente Airport; all markings have been removed and its only a matter of time before she will not exist anymore.

The final landing of B-HSI

Heliport Medisch Spectrum Twente – When every second counts

Hospital Medisch Spectrum Twente (MST) operates as part of the Trauma Centre a heliport for handling Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) flights. In addition, ambulance flights and flights for the transportation of human organs are allowed to be carried out on this heliport. This heliport is the gateway to the Medisch Spectrum Twente when every second counts.

Christoph Europa 2
Christoph Europa 2 on the MST heliport

In the Twente region, MST is the only hospital with a heliport. The choice for MST was logical, on the one hand because the hospital is one of the eleven trauma centres in the Netherlands and on the other because of its central location in the east of the country and close to Germany. Some 90 per cent of the trauma helicopters that land at MST come from Germany. On average, the heliport receives about 120 helicopters per year.

Helicopter Medisch Spectrum Twente
Christoph Europa 2 is the helicopter most frequently seen at the Medisch Spectrum Twente

Previously the heliport was located next to the hospital. At this location the iconic Bundeswehr UH-1D “Huey” helicopters from the SAR76 station in Rheine were a common sight. When the hospital was renovated, the heliport was relocated to the current location on top of the building. In this way an approach path free of obstacles was possible.

Helideck Medisch Spectrum twente
The Medisch Spectrum Twente heliport on the south side of the building (Source: Google Maps)
Helideck Medisch Spectrum twente
The aerodrome chart of the heliport (source: Medisch Spectrum Twente)

A trauma helicopter is deployed at the request of the emergency services after a serious accident. Often in traffic, but also, for example, after an incident in or around the house. In many cases, the helicopter flies in to get a specialised doctor to the accident site quickly. Patients or wounded are only transported by helicopter if they are stable, so sometimes a helicopter returns ’empty’ to the hospital to pick up only the medical staff.

Enschede helicopter
Christoph Europa 2 on the MST heliport, with the Alfa Tower in the background

The Netherlands has four so-called lifeliners, which are deployed in the north, south and west. Twente and the Achterhoek are mainly covered by the Christoph Europa 2 from Rheine, backed up by the Christoph Westfalen from Münster and the Christoph 8 from Lünen.

Christoph Westfalen
Chistoph Westfalen, the Airbus H.145 based at Münster-Osnabrück is a frequent visitor to the MST heliport

The majority of the patients that are transferred to the Medisch Spectrum Twente by helicopter originate from incidents in the Twente region and the neighbouring area in Germany. Most of the time this is done with the Christoph Europa 2, an EC.135 of ADAC Luftrettung based in Rheine. This type of helicopter weighs about 3000 kilos, can carry 4 seated persons (including the pilot) and 1 patient on a stretcher. This mini hospital can fly at a maximum speed of 260 km/h. After arriving at the helideck, the patinet can quickly be transferred to the emergency room to receive the treatment needed.

Lifeliner Helicopter
One of the Dutch Lifeliners during a nightly visit. The heliport can be used 24 hours per day, depending on meteorological conditions.

If something happens somewhere, the pilot and doctor together decide where to fly to. The pilot knows what distance can be flown, the doctor knows where the patient in question can receive the best care. It is noticed that more and more people are transferred to Enschede.

BK117 Helicopter
Before Christoph Westfalen transferred to the current Airbus H.145, they used the MBB/Kawasaki BK.117

During the Covid-19 pandemic, helicopters were also used to transfer patients from one hospital to another. In the Netherlands the Lifeliner 5 was pressed into service (see more in this article) and visited Enschede several times as well.

Christoph Europa 2

The air rescue centre in Rheine has existed since 1982. Initially operated by the German Armed Forces with a Bell UH-1D SAR helicopter under the designation SAR 76, ADAC Luftrettung took over the station in 1998. Because of its proximity to the Dutch border, the “yellow angel” was given the call sign “Christoph Europa 2”. It is the second rescue helicopter to be given the name “Europa”. It is meant to make clear that helicopters in border areas do not stop at national borders and also care for patients in neighbouring countries.


The Mobile Medical Team (MMT) has Airbus helicopters at its disposal. The EC-135 (H135) from Airbus is used as a trauma helicopter, also called Lifeliner. The helicopter is mainly used when the doctor and the nurse of the MMT must be at the scene as soon as possible. A trauma doctor can perform certain actions and interventions that an ambulance nurse is not allowed to do. Life-saving activities can therefore already be started outside the hospital. The heli-MMT is usually deployed in case of serious accidents where quick start of medical treatment is important.

Lifeliner 5

As of the 24th of March 2020 the fifth Mobile Medical Team (MMT) took to the air with an additional trauma helicopter to quickly transport intensive care patients. This helicopter was deployable throughout the Netherlands. In view of the growth in the number of patients infected with the coronavirus, it has been decided to use this helicopter in addition to the existing MMT service to get patients to the right hospital even faster and thus relieve the burden on road transport. The helicopter (type H145) was made available by the ANWB Medical Air Assistance (MAA) and has been fully equipped by Radboudumc for the transport of intensive care patients.

Irregular Visitors

Besides the obvious subjects, the heliport every now and then also receives visitors that are not so often seen in the Twente region. Below are some examples.

ADAC Helicopter
Christoph 8 is based in Lünen and seen here in the summer sun
DRF Luftrettung Hubschrauber
Christoph Dortmund is operated by DRF Luftrettung and located at Dortmund Airport
Bundesministerium des Innern
The Bundesministerium des Innern also operates a fleet of rescue helicopters. One of them is Christoph 9, based in Duisburg.

Did you know that the heliport also has it’s own Instagram page? You can visit them at

Sources: Medisch Spectrum Twente, Tubantia, RTV Oost, ADAC Luftrettung, Wikipedia.

Throwback – Exercise Cerberus Guard

In March 2013 the area around the former Twenthe Airbase was the scene of a large exercise called Cerberus Guard where airmobile forces had the objective to capture the airfield. This article is a throwback to the exercise.

Airmobile Brigade
Troops of 11 Airmobile Brigade captured the airfield

After capturing the airfield, an operating base was established from where the forward bases in Losser and Oldenzaal were supported. From these bases several actions took place, ammongst others in the FC Twente Stadium.

Helicopters from the Defense Helicopter Command approach the airfield in order to drop of troops.

But first during Exercise Cerberus Guard Twenthe airfield had to be captured. The night before, already some pathfinders were dropped close to the airfield. Then on Wednesday 20 March troops of 11 Airmobile Brigade were transported by Cougars and Chinooks of the Defense Helicopter Command to capture the airfield.

A 298 Squadron Chinooks drops troops of 11 Airmobile Brigade at Twenthe airfield.

Troops were dropped close to the runway and fought their way towards the control tower, where the “enemy” occupied several buildings. The goal was to clear this area and to establish control of the airfield.

Twenthe army
Airmobile troops occupy the area next to the runway ait Twenthe airfield after being dropped of.
A Chinook brings in additional troops and supplies

After access to the airfield was secured, the Pathfinders took control of the runway, so that they could guide Hercules aircraft to the airfield. These aircraft would fly daily replenishment missions from Eindhoven Airbase to Twenthe, in order to supply the troops with all things they required for their mission. This ranged from food to ammunition.

This also proved to be a valuable training for the Hercules crew, as being able to perform tactical operations in the Netherlands is quite rare.

Hercules Twenthe
A C-130H-30 climbs out of Runway 06 after a tactical landing

Exercise Blue Wings 2020 – There’s a first time for everything

In August 2020 a truly unique exercise took place in Germany: Exercise Blue Wings 2020. This exercise marked the first time that aircraft from the German Luftwaffe and Israeli Air Force (IAF) operated jointly in German skies.

After the Luftwaffe had already taken part twice in Exercise Blue Flag, which took place at IAFs Ovda airbase, it was now time to return the honour. On the 17th of August, a detachment of 180 men and women from several IAF units started the exercise at Nörvenich Air Base, just south of Cologne. Nörvenich is the home of Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 31 “Boelcke”, flying the Eurofighter.

F-16C Barak
An F-16C-40-CF “Barak” thunders down Nörvenichs runway for another Blue Wings mission.

The first week of the exercise primarily consisted of getting to know the airspace in preparation for the “MAG (Multinational Air Group) Days” exercise – an international event that takes place four times a year.

An F-16D-40-CF Barak taxies to the runway for another exercise mission over southern Germany. During most of the missions four F-16s, one Nachshon Eitam and one KC-707 took part. First the supporting KC-707 and Nachshon Eitam would take off, after which the fighters followed.

On Tuesday the 18th of August, a mixed formation of German and Israeli aircraft perfromed a fly-by over the sites of Dachau Concentration Camp, in memory of the Holocaust victims, and Fürstenfeldbrück Air Base, in memory of 11 Israeli Olympic delegation members that were murdered in the 1972 Olympics terrorist attack.

A visiting Israeli delegation means an increased level of security. Next to Luftwaffe patrols inside the airbase, the outside was guarded by German police, as well as unmarked (but clearly present) Israeli security

As part of the exercise, six “Barak” (F-16C/D) fighter jets, two “Re’em” (Boeing 707) aircraft, a “Nachshon-Eitam” (Gulfstream G-550) and a “Nachshon-Shavit” (Gulfstream G-V) aircraft landed at the Nörvenich Air Base. The Baraks were flown by members of 101 and 105 Squadrons, both based at Hatzor. The Re’ems were operated by 120 Squadron (nicknamed Giants), normally based at Nevatim. The two Nachshons were both flown by 122 Squadron, also based at Nevatim.

It does not get more ugly than this. The Nachshon Eitam is a highly modified Gulfstream 550 business jet and is used for Conformal Airborne Early Warning tasks.

101 Squadron

101 Squadron of the Israeli Air Force, also known as the First Fighter Squadron, is Israel’s first fighter squadron, formed on May 20, 1948, six days after Israel declared its independence. Initially flying the Avia S-199, it has since operated the Supermarine Spitfire, North American Mustang, Dassault Mystere IV, Dassault Mirage IIICJ, IAI Nesher and IAI Kfir. It currently operates out of Hatzor Airbase, flying the F-16C Fighting Falcon.

101 Squadrin F-16C
The 101 Squadron badge is clearly shown on the tail of F-16C-40-CF 536

105 Squadron

The 105 Squadron of the Israeli Air Force, also known as The Scorpion, was founded in December 1950 as a Spitfire squadron and has since operated the P-51 Mustang, Dassault Super Mystere, IAI Sa’ar, and F-4 Phantom II. It currently operates F-16Ds at Hatzor Airbase.

105 Squadron has the nickname Scorpions, which can also seen through the tail art/camouflage on this “Barak”

120 Squadron

The 120 Squadron of the Israeli Air Force, also known as the Desert Giants (former International Squadron), is a Boeing 707 Phalcon and KC-707 Re’em squadron based at Nevatim Airbase. Eventually the KC-707s will be replaced with newly ordered KC-46s.

This KC-707 Re’em proudly sports the badge of 120 Squadron on the nose.

122 Squadron

The 122 Squadron of the Israeli Air Force, also known as the Nahshon Squadron (former Dakota Squadron), is a G550 squadron based at Nevatim Airbase. The Squadron has five G550 (G550 “Nachshon-Eitam” and G-V (“Nachshon-Shavit”) with two aircraft are used for Airborne early warning and control (CAEW or Conformal Airborne Early Warning, IAI EL/W-2085) and three are used for Signals intelligence (SEMA or Special Electronic Missions Aircraft).

Nachshon IAF
Emphasizing that this is a special missions aircraft is the fact that there are no nationality markings or registration worn on this Nachshon Shavit; the registration could only be seen on the aircraft’s crew ladder.

TLG 31 “Boelcke”

The Tactical Air Force Wing 31 “Boelcke” is one of four Eurofighter squadrons. With the fighter jet, the squadron makes its contribution to alliance and national defense. This mission includes ensuring air combat capability and establishing the Eurofighter’s air-to-ground capability for the Air Force. The squadron develops procedures and training principles for pilots and technicians for all German Eurofighter associations in order to establish the air-to-ground capability of the fighter jet.

A “Boelcke” Eurofighter is about to land at its homebase Nörvenich

Sources: Luftwaffe, Israeli Air Force, Wikipedia, Scramble

Sleeping beauties in the morning sun

In August 2020 some work needed to be done in the depots of the Dutch Nationaal Militair Museum. Because of this, several sleeping beauties (otherwise not visible to the public) were parked outside in the morning sun on the platform of the former Soesterberg Airbase.

USAF F-4 Phantom Soesterberg
The true star of the exhibition is this F-4 Phantom in the colours of the 32nd TFS that used to be based at Soesterberg

The National Military Museum is situated on the former air base at Soesterberg. It combines the collections of the former Military Aviation Museum in Soesterberg and Army Museum in Delft. There are numerous pieces on display, including tanks, planes, armoured vehicles and helicopters.

Fokker S-14 Machtrainer Soesterberg
The Fokker S.14 is a unique Dutch product; in total only 21 have been built and 3 have been preserved. This L-11 stands in a beautiful morning sun on the platform near the NMM in Soesterberg.

Considering the fact that a heatwave was taking place, as well as that we were in the middle of school holidays, the choice was made to visit the site in the early morning.

T-37 Soesterberg
The NMM does not only display Dutch aircraft, but also foreign aircraft related to Dutch avaiation. In this case the T-37 Tweety Bird is displayed since Dutch (and other NATO) pilots received their jet training on this aircraft in the USA

At 7.30 in the morning the August summer sun provides a beautiful low light, which emphasizes the beautiful lines and pristine conditions of these aircraft. Some are so well preserved that you could almost fire them up and fly away.

NF-5B KLu Soesterberg
The NF-5 was a variant of the F-5 that was license built in Canada. This variant was similar to the CF-5, but had more powerful engines. In total 105 NF5’s were delivered to the Koninklijke Luchtmacht. This NF-5B wears the markings of 316 Squadron.

These aircraft were all moved back inside once the maintenance work in the depot was finished. When will we see them aiagin? Hopefully very soon….

Hawker Hunter Soesterberg
Hawker Hunter N-122 on the platform in front of the NMM with the ATC control tower of the former Soesterberg Airbase in the background.

Do you want to know more about the NMM and the former Soesterberg Airbase? Then visit the WEBSITE of the NMM.